Health and fitness has always been a huge passion of mine, I feel my best when I'm physically and mentally healthy. However I think I was ignoring my mental state of mind before I joined RTSF. Before I joined the team I lifted, did lots of cardio and counted my macros..
I was doing all of the "right" things to make me lean and it worked! I got extremely lean but with all things, it came with a price... I obsessed over the numbers on MyFitnessPal and if I went over on fat for the day I would beat myself up over it.
I think counting macros and being aware of the amount of food your consuming is extremely important and is something I still do today, however RTSF provided me with knowledge to know that it's important to feed your body and live life!
I'm no longer afraid of social gatherings and unexpected changes of plans. RTSF also taught me how to maximize my time in the gym so I no longer worry about working out 7 days a week! I now live a TRUE healthy & happy life and for that I can thank the RTSF team!
- McKayla Berres -
Minneapolis, Minnesota